A Farmer Leaves This Car Sitting Under Corn Bags In His Shed For Years – Turns Out It’s Worth A Fortune

Published: Nov 19, 2023

The Scherer family car has been sitting idle in their shed longer than any of them can remember. Over time, various creatures have made themselves at home in the aging automobile, which is gradually deteriorating due to rust and neglect. Its days of ferrying people around are but a distant memory. 

However, the Scherers are unaware of a crucial fact–their seemingly worthless vehicle is, in fact, an extremely valuable asset.

Now Just A Home To Outdoor Pests

Had the Scherer family been aware of the tremendous value of their vehicle, they might have taken measures to preserve it. However, due to their lack of knowledge, they left it in storage for an extended period, allowing it to succumb to the elements. 


Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

As time passed, creatures, from rodents to insects, found their way inside, making the car their home. The exterior was tarnished by years of exposure and it was covered in a thick layer of debris. Unfortunately, the Scherers remained oblivious to the potential worth of their old car, leaving it to rust and decay.


Originally A Gift To His Wife

The Scherer family had owned the car for quite some time. Darryl, the patriarch of the Scherer family, had bought the vehicle long ago and presented it as a gift to his wife, Vivian. For years, Vivian was the car’s primary driver. 


Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

Vivian would use it to commute the kids to school, run errands and generally take her wherever her heart desired. The car was a vital part of the Scherer family’s life and served them well while it was in use.

Once The Cool Car On The Block

Despite being utilized for everyday errands and tasks, there was always something remarkable about the Scherer family car. Its sleek and sporty design set it apart from other vehicles around town, making it stand out on the streets. 


Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

The car’s unique appearance gave it a cool factor that made it highly coveted, especially among the neighborhood children who dreamed of being able to take it for a spin. Its allure was undeniable, and it was not uncommon for passersby to stop and take a closer look. 

Left To Rot

As time passed, the once remarkable Scherer family car started deteriorating, becoming a mere shadow of its former self. And in 2006, when Vivian passed away, the vehicle’s fate was sealed. Following her passing, her husband took ownership of the car. 


Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

Because of his emotional attachment to the vehicle, Darryl decided to take it with him when he relocated to a new home. However, instead of giving the vehicle the care it deserved, he left it stored away in a shed on his property, where it remained neglected and fell into disrepair.

Always On The To-Do List

Darryl had always harbored aspirations of reviving the aging vehicle and restoring it to its former glory. Regrettably, he was unable to fulfill his plans, and the car remained untouched, collecting dust and rust. Darryl passed away at the end of 2021, leaving behind his beloved car as a forgotten relic of the past. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

The responsibility of dealing with the rusty former family vehicle now fell upon his children, who were in for quite a surprise. As they began to examine the car, they discovered something that would change their lives forever.


A Real Speedster 

When it came to family cars, the Scherer’s vehicle was a true anomaly. This car was none other than a Holden HK Monaro GTS 327 Bathurst, produced in 1968, boasting a unique set of features. Yes, the car did serve its primary purpose of toting the Scherer family from point A to point B, but it was also capable of reaching exceptional speeds. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

This model was known to reach speeds of up to 124 mph, a remarkable feat for a family car of its time. 


Muscle From Down Under

While it’s easy to associate ’60s muscle cars with American automobiles, the Holden HK Monaro was born and bred in Australia. This vehicle from down under was part of a line of muscle cars uniquely produced in Australia, and the HK Monaro stood out as one of the best. 

Source: Jeremy/Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0

Although it may not have been as fast as some of its American counterparts, the car was still remarkable in its own right. Its distinct design, powerful engine, and advanced features made it a sought-after vehicle, even in the competitive world of muscle cars. 


Bought With A Purpose In Mind

It might have been an unconventional choice for a family car, but the HK Monaro was the only option for Darryl Scherer. He was determined to own the best, and when he acquired the vehicle all those years ago, it was a special occasion for him. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

According to Noeleen Schulte, Darryl’s daughter, purchasing the car was a significant milestone for her father, who dreamed of owning a vehicle of such caliber. In an interview with The Guardian in June 2022, Noeleen explained the sentimental value the car held for her father and the family.


A Father And A Cane Farmer

Noeleen reminisced about her father, who had since passed away, describing him as a diligent sugar cane farmer who grew up and lived in Bundaberg, a city in Queensland, Australia. According to Noeleen, the HK Monaro was a significant purchase for her father for one big reason in particular. 

Source: GPS 56/Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0

This was the first car her father bought that wasn’t passed down to him from his father. Typically, Noeleen’s grandfather would purchase a new car, and then her father would buy the old one from him.


Vivian’s Surprise

It was evident that Darryl had set his sights on purchasing an extraordinary vehicle, especially since this would be the first car he would buy that had not been previously owned by his father. Yet, despite his desire for this particular car, Darryl didn’t even intend to use the car himself!  

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

Instead, he was buying it for his wife, Vivian, who would be the primary driver, and spent more time behind the wheel than anyone else in the family.


Mom Hits The Road

With the keys to her new car firmly in hand, Vivian wasted no time taking it for a spin. After all, this was meant to be a family car, and as a mom, she was always on the go. On some occasions, Vivian even volunteered to take local school children on field trips, much to the children’s delight. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

As Noeleen explained, the car primarily belonged to her mother, and she was the one who drove it the most and took it everywhere. 


Bright, Shiny, And New

​​Noeleen has vivid memories of the moment she first saw the car as a child. She recollected that she could still recall the exact day when her father purchased it. She was outside waiting to be collected from school when she and her classmates spotted the eye-catching, sparkling car. 

Source: Jeremy/Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0

Everyone was curious about the new shiny car, and Noeleen had no idea it belonged to her mother. However, when she peered in through the car window, she discovered that it was her mom sitting behind the wheel of the coolest car in town!


Cool Kids On The Block

The Scherer kids were thrilled with their mom’s new car, and Noeleen recalls that their peers at school were envious of the red muscle car. Noeleen could clearly remember she and her three sisters were the most popular kids in school because every child wanted to ride in their car. 

Source: sv1ambo/Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0

Fortunately, Vivian was always kind, gracious, and willing to grant the children’s wishes with a quick joyride around town in the famous vehicle. We can only imagine all the fond memories formed in the family’s HK Monaro.


A Public Interest Vehicle

The Scherer family and the locals had a sentimental attachment to the car, but they were unaware of the car’s true value in the eyes of collectors and car enthusiasts. Moreover, they had no idea of the level of interest the vehicle could generate outside their community–and how could they?

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

In hindsight, the family now realizes that the car was more than just a nostalgic relic of the past; it was a valuable piece of automotive history, coveted by many.


Life Got In The Way

As previously noted, the car’s status changed after losing its primary driver, Vivian, in 2006. This unexpected event marked a turning point for the car, as it was no longer utilized at all. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

Despite the loss, the car remained in possession of Darryl, who had every intention of restoring it to its former glory. However, as is often the case in life, unforeseen circumstances arose, and Darryl was unable to follow through on his restoration plans. 


Stuck In A Shed Until The End

Following the passing of his beloved wife, Darryl made the difficult decision to leave behind his former home and relocate to the outskirts of Bundaberg. With a small plot of land to call his own and a sturdy shed to house his belongings, Darryl stored his car in the shed. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

Even in his grief, he held onto the hope of one day restoring the car to its former glory, a reminder of the memories he shared with his wife. However, as the years passed, Darryl’s plans were never realized, and the car remained untouched. Eventually, time caught up with Darryl, and in 2021, at the age of 82, he passed away.


Untouched For 16 Years

Due to less-than-favorable conditions, the shed where the car was stored gradually deteriorated: the once-pristine vehicle became shrouded in a thick layer of dirt and grime, causing it to lose its luster and shine. As time passed, the shed became overrun with wildlife, and soon the car was covered with empty cereal sacks and other debris, obscuring its beauty. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

The effects of time and neglect took their toll on the car, and by 2022, the engine was likely in poor condition. After all, nobody had attempted to start it up in over 16 years, potentially leaving its internal components corroded.


Letting The Car Go

After so many years, the car had become little more than a bulky obstacle taking up valuable space. It was clear the time had come for the car to be dealt with, and the responsibility of handling the vehicle fell to Darryl and Vivian’s children. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

They recognized the need for assistance in dealing with such a significant task, so turning to Bill Young, a seasoned auctioneer, the family sought his expertise to navigate the selling process. With his wealth of experience and knowledge of the market, Bill was well-equipped to handle the sale.


Totally Destroyed

Once he had seen the car, Bill gained a firsthand understanding of its dire condition. As he recounted to The Guardian, he discovered that the car had been tucked away in the corner of the shed, obscured by a pile of empty corn bags and a discarded pool liner. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

It had been left in such a state of disuse that rats and other pests had made it their home, causing further damage to the ailing vehicle. In addition, a shelf was built in front of the car, preventing it from being moved or accessed easily.


An Expert Opinion

Despite the car’s battered and neglected appearance, Bill remained optimistic about its potential for restoration. Being an expert in the field, he recognized the unique qualities that made the vehicle special. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

Although the car had not been operational for over a decade and a half, he understood the importance of leaving it untouched for the auction. So, it remained covered in dust and dirt, but despite this, Bill noted that all of its essential components were still intact, which gave it its value and appeal.


Things Were Looking Up

Bill knew the old car still had significant value, despite its appearance. Based on his expert knowledge of the market, he estimated that the car could potentially fetch anywhere between A$50,000 to A$80,000 at auction. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

These figures, of course, were in Australian dollars, but even so, it was a substantial amount considering that the car had been collecting dust for the past 16 years. Ultimately, the Scherer family stood to receive a well-deserved sum from the sale of the car.


Putting The Car On The Market

As events unfolded, it quickly became apparent that Bill’s initial estimate was vastly underestimated. Upon introducing the car to the market, it became clear that there was significant interest and enthusiasm surrounding it. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

As a result, Bill was forced to reevaluate his initial estimate and adjust it accordingly. He now estimated that the car could sell for as much as A$120,000–a significant increase from his original projection. However, even this adjusted estimate would ultimately prove to be far too low.


A Smashing Success

Bill was inundated with inquiries about the car, with an estimated 300 to 400 individuals expressing interest. Surprisingly, the demand for the car was not limited to Australia–one potential buyer even hailed from China! The dilapidated car had garnered international attention, reflected in its final sale price. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

The winning bid eventually reached an astounding A$200,000, which indicated the significant demand for the classic Australian muscle car. For reference, at current exchange rates, this is equivalent to almost $140,000.


Why So Much Interest?

The family was utterly taken aback by the high selling price. And naturally, they were all rather curious why the old car had fetched such a substantial sum of A$200,000. 

Source: Sicnag/Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.0

Well, it turned out that this particular car, a 1968 Holden HK GTS Monaro 327, had a remarkable history as the winner of the prestigious Bathurst race, a grueling 620-mile-long competition held annually in New South Wales. This was the first Monaro model to ever claim victory in the event, thus elevating its status to that of a highly coveted collector’s item.


Gone But Not Forgotten

The Scherer family had always recognized the uniqueness of their car, but they were taken aback by the extent of its value. The vehicle had always held a special significance in their lives–well before they realized its worth. To them, it was the car of their childhood and held unforgettable memories within it. 

Source: carscoops.com

Noeleen told everyone that although it was stored in the garage, the family never forgot about it. The sisters were constantly reminded of its significance and what it meant to their late father, Darryl.


In Memory Of Darryl

Noeleen Scherer reflects on the somber aspect of the tale, which is that her father, Darryl, was never able to restore the car to its former glory himself. The car was an item on his to-do list for a long time, but unfortunately, he never got around to it. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

Noeleen laments that it’s sad he never got the chance to work on it. She reiterates her dad was a man who had many things he wanted to accomplish, making this a poignant reminder that life can sometimes get in the way of even the most cherished dreams and aspirations.


Exceeding Expectations

Noeleen and her siblings may be a little disappointed that their father never got to work on the car, but they can’t deny the excitement and satisfaction that came along with the car’s recent sale for a staggering amount. 

Source: Daniel Anderson/YouTube

The family found peace and felt although it was disappointing their father never got the chance to restore the car, they couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. They always knew it was special but never imagined it would sell for such an incredible amount.


The Sale Of A Lifetime

Young, the auctioneer who sold the 1968 Holden HK GTS Monaro 327, is likewise ecstatic regarding the auction’s outcome. He has been in the auctioneering business for twenty-five years but has never made a sale as significant as this. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

Despite being just a family car used to transport the children to school, it sold for an incredible A$200,000, which is a lot of money. He expressed his astonishment, stating that the car, probably considered worthless, sold for an amount that far exceeded the expectations of anyone involved.


Worldwide Interest

Young was startled by the incredible level of interest that the old, beaten-up car garnered. However, he couldn’t help but feel delighted by the situation. Young was overjoyed to receive numerous inquiries about the car from all the major cities across Australia, with Sydney and Melbourne being the busiest. 

Source: Auction Centre Bundaberg/Facebook

The craziest part? Young even received a call from someone in Bangkok expressing their interest in the car. The volume of inquiries caught Young entirely off guard, causing his phone to ring non-stop. It was indeed a remarkable experience for the seasoned auctioneer.
