Hilarious Cat Memes That We Only Wish Our Feline Friends Could Understand

By: Arthur Gold | Last updated: Nov 29, 2022

There’s nothing like outrageous and silly cat memes that will make your stomach hurt because you laughed too hard. Sometimes the magical combination of memes and cats can cure your depression. If this can’t, then what will? 

We’ve put together a list of memes that all refer to cats being odd and funny creatures. The reality is that anything involving these furry felines is just plain funny (and meme-worthy). 

Big Stretch

All cats think they are predators and that they exist at the top of the food chain. That’s a fact. This rule applies to any cat, big or small, domesticated or not. After all the hard work cats do in a day, they owe it to themselves… 


Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

…to take a nice, long stretch! It’s a given rule that these kings and queens all need their beauty sleep and to be religiously devoted to their daily self-care routines.


Christmas Tree

Ok, so human beings have a yearly tradition where they get a tree in December (sometimes earlier because people are crazy) and decorate it. Humans keep the tree up with all the decorations until January, that’s if the cats don’t completely destroy it all. Those fiends…


Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

They sure love the shiny things that bring so much joy to us mere mortals. And they love to tear them down just for their own amusement. There’s not really a way to prevent them from going crazy, only if your cat is afraid of tangerines. 

Avril Lavigne

This tweet made us laugh out loud. These two cats have very distinct and unique markings on their chests. The one on the left is a darker, more brooding kitty with what looks like a skull on its chest, and the one on the right is a sweet, angelic kitty with a heart on her chest and little whiskers. 


Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

We were totally reminded of the song “Skater Boy” by Avril Lavigne, where she sings, “He was a punk, she did ballet, what more can I say?”


It’s true (well, for some of us) that the pandemic probably made us even more isolated than we already were. This meme feels a little too close to home, considering we couldn’t even see anybody outside of our immediate environment. We most likely spent all of the time with our cats (they were probably so sick of us, anyway).


Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Our felines were probably begging us to just leave them alone so they could do their cat business. Cats are very independent animals and probably became even more depressed than we did because we occupied their precious space. 


This meme is a real-life example of what it’s like to order pizza and have to make it stealthy so your cat doesn’t go flying out the door into the great unknown. Well, they’ll probably come back because there’s food involved.

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

You’ll want to keep your pizza close, and your cat even closer. Oh, wait. Maybe it’s the other way around. Seriously though – we wonder what the story is behind this man and this statue.



Here we go again with the Christmas tree debacle! Cats have a massive dislike for these trees and this won’t be the only time you will come across this little nugget of truth. If you showed this meme to your cat, they would totally believe its accuracy. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Much like The Joker walking away from the explosions happening behind him, the cat is also walking away from the damage he’s done and not even looking back. Hey, cool cats don’t look back at the damage they’ve caused…neither does The Joker.



Ok, this photo is already really funny, but the caption makes it even better. This cat’s coming was apparently foretold in the ancient murals of a cat food box, and the cat’s head popping out of it looks exactly like the image of the cat on the box.

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Is this some sort of Matrix glitch? Are we seeing double? It just so happens that coincidences occur all the time and this certainly is one of them. Or, that cat was actually just part of an ancient prophecy. 



We wish we could draw this well but we’re also being slightly sarcastic. That person’s mom is a true artist when it comes to drawing cats, especially such a round boy. Sometimes people are just naturally gifted. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Kidding. Totally kidding. We recommend that mom does not go to art school and pursue a career as an artist. Hey, it was worth a shot. Just don’t show the cat. 



Remember when you saw the cat inside a box that was a spitting image of the cat on the outside of the box? Yeah, us too. It warped our brains. Boxes are coming back…

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

And how much cats just love them. L-O-V-E. It doesn’t even matter what toys you get at the pet store, cats just go crazy for a good ol’ hunk of cardboard. We don’t know what it is, but we just can’t get enough of cats and boxes. And Christmas trees. 



When you think about achieving your goals, what comes to mind first? For us, it’s the contents of this meme. We want to become that girl petting every single cat in sight and befriending them (or, at least convincing them that we’re their friend).

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

People have regular goals in life that they want to aspire to, and this is what we want. Oh, god. We are actually crazy cat people!



Forget about regular cat toys. Forget about boxes and Christmas trees. When you walk in and find that your cat picked up a pocket Thesaurus, something is deeply, deeply wrong with them. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

That black kitty just wants to imbue some knowledge into his little brain and also make you mad, probably. They can’t help it! We are surprised that a cat refused human-bought toys…just for them. Cats can’t appreciate anything, yet somehow they just want to strengthen their vocabulary. 



We’re all familiar with the gates that have two fancy-looking statues on either side, right? Like lions or gargoyles. This meme shows us something very similar, except there’s no mansion or massive house involved.

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Imagine you woke up and saw two of your cats casually hanging out on either side of your basement entrance. What would your reaction be? We hope you would feel safe that they wanted to guard the entrance. Those cats aren’t normal, though…they’re guard cats. 



The word “zen” is synonymous with peace, relaxation, and, more importantly, routine self-care. Zen is a Japanese school of Buddhism that emphasizes the sanctity of meditation. That sounds totally up a cat’s alley. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

You can actually use your cat as a zen garden! Who would have thought? The cat definitely won’t mind and it will allow you to chill out. It seems like a relaxing activity for everybody involved. 


More Trees

Ah, here we go again with the tree memes! We warned you there’d be more of this content. The Christmas tree and cat rivalry will never end. Can they ever find a common ground? Put forth some sort of peace treaty? Well, this owner had a brilliant idea…

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Just place the cats’ beds around the tree! The problem is solved and everybody’s happy (the cats specifically because now they don’t have to completely mess up your beautifully decorated tree). 


For Sale

A lot of us don’t know our neighbors, especially in a big city. If you see a “For Sale” sign in your neighborhood, you will naturally be curious as to what the inside looks like (assuming that you’ve never been inside).  

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Well, much to this person’s surprise, their “bloody cat” was lounging on one of the beds next door! Totally carefree and oblivious to anything else. We guess that you need to be willing to share and tell whoever is buying the place that the cat just comes with the territory. 



This one is quite funny. We’ll admit that we were a little surprised when we found the fourth cat in the picture! How long did it take you to notice that the fourth cat wasn’t even black, but completely blended into the ground? That guy’s got more camouflaging skills than a chameleon. Haha…cat-meleon. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

The photos from this account are obviously amazing, although the captions are even better! If you hadn’t seen the caption, could you have spotted the cat? 


So Sad

We’ve all been there. Being selected by your furry friend as their cuddle buddy makes you feel really special, right? Moving even slightly may deter the animal and cause them to walk away, which is what we don’t want. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

You’ve strategically gotten into bed and have tried to not disturb your pet, but one move will ruin all of your hard work. Chances are, they’ll just move anyways. Oh, the tragedy. Oh, the heartbreak. 



Everybody knows that cats are clingy. Despite this known fact, when you’re chosen by a cat it’s a privilege and an honor. They won’t hesitate to show you their clinginess. Take this meme for example…

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

RIP personal space for that human. Their cat is literally pushing their way through the door to be with them, even while doing personal business. Your personal space? More like our personal space. Only clingy cats will get it. 


The Lion King

Without a doubt, we’ve all seen The Lion King or at least heard of it. Seriously though – if you’ve never seen this movie, what kind of childhood did you have? We digress. Many kitties on the World Wide Web (aka the Internet), know exactly the most iconic and heartbreaking scene ever made. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Perhaps this photo was encouraged or just accidental. We’d dish out some laughs if the scene on the left didn’t trigger us so much. 



We love our pets for many reasons, but the main one is all the wonderful cuddles that they provide. When you are sad, they will always cheer you up. Yes, they can be annoying and destructive little monsters, and they can also be the sweetest, most loving creatures ever. Sometimes all you need is a hug…

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

…from your cat. We hope that you are less sad after seeing this (unless you are without a furry creature to cheer you up, then we are sorry). 



Admit it: we’ve all wondered what cats would look like with pants on. And, how would they wear them? What fabric would they consist of? In this case, the kitten pictured wears the grey pants on their two back legs and their tail!

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

It’s true. He got his pants on. What a tremendous feat for that little guy. But also…he got his pants on! Seriously…isn’t that just about the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?



When you’re around somebody long enough, your personalities might merge into one. You finish each other’s sentences and catchphrases, and you may even start to dress the same. But, when you’ve spent way too much time with your cat, how do you know you have the same personality? What are the signs?

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Oh…yeah. This is it. This human predicted their cat’s behavior, and the timing is beyond impeccable. Talk about merging personalities! They put “My cat will try to eat this,” and, indeed, their cat did. We have proof. 



We’ve all gotten to some point in our lives where we’ve wanted to slap somebody because they were annoying us so much. However, violence is never the answer, and we hope that you didn’t go through with it. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Although, if you are a cat, you can do whatever you darn well please. You can slap anybody at any time of the day. Humans may tell you that you are bad and may discipline you, but at the end of the day, you will still be fed treats and given attention. What goes around comes around…in the form of food and love. 



Cat people love to brag about how independent cats are. Well, at least, that is in comparison to the other popular pet, the dog. Dogs need more care from their owners than kitties, who often see their humans as roomies! How fun!

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Having a cat is like having a roommate, you never know if they’re home or out in the world. Unless your cat is solely reserved for the great indoors, then it’s harder to keep track of their every move. They also could be at your next-door neighbor’s house being spoiled rotten. Anything is possible. 



Remember offices? And office desks? Oh, yeah, that was totally a thing before the pandemic.  Well, back in the day, at these places called offices, people had work desks that they would decorate.

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

Decorating your desk was often exhilarating and exciting, especially when you bring your cat to nap on it. Not many offices would allow a feline friend to accompany us to our desk, so this is pretty cute, even if it’s highly unlikely to ever happen!


Two Types

Here’s a meme your cat would definitely appreciate and understand. Just as there are “two types of people in the world,” there are also two types of cats in the world. This meme breaks it down to perfection. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

One type of cat loves to be pet, is adored, and is up for anything, and the other one is grouchy, gets annoyed easily, and may even kill you. 



The little beans on cat paws are the single most adorable things your eyes will ever see. Imagine if your cat had extra beans on its paws. Oh, we would just smile with joy, and our hearts would be overflowing with happiness and appreciation for the small beans.

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

The little beans on cat paws are the single most adorable things your eyes will ever see. Imagine if your cat had extra beans on its paws. Oh, we would just smile with joy, and our hearts would be overflowing with happiness and appreciation for the small beans.



Sometimes questions are better without answers. You may think that getting answers will help you sleep at night, but that’s not always the case. In this instance, somebody asked what kind of pest would only eat the top of plants. 

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

This cat, obviously. The succulents were only missing their tips, and they thought it was some kind of bacteria. However, they got their answer soon enough, and it was not even a pest they could get rid of quickly. Or, a pest they would want to get rid of at all.  



If you’ve never seen a cat yelling at a skeleton, then this is your lucky day! You may be wondering what kind of situation would cause your cat to be yelling at a skeleton. Apparently, the cat wasn’t fed at the exact time he wanted to be…

Source: @memesiwish/ Twitter

We can relate because there have been moments when we weren’t fed on time and even we yelled. Yeah, we’re hardcore, just like that screamo cat. Furthermore, why did this person have a skeleton in their bed? Inquiring minds would like to know. 
