Check Out These Hilarious Parenting Photos If You’re Thinking Of Having Kids
Your parents taking embarrassing baby photos of you is a right of passage. Most of us don’t escape without a handful of embarrassing photos haunting us. But what if your mom or dad posted these on the internet for everyone to enjoy? Here are perfectly cute photos that basically explain what it is to be a parent.
It’s art, mom!
As a parent, chances are you’ve woken up ro come home to something colorful that wasn’t before. We’ve seen kids draw on the walls, on themselves, and on their siblings, but have you seen a rainbow computer?
We can’t image how this parent reacted to their laptop being drawn all over, but we must admit the kid did an excellent job at staying in the lines. This will be an interesting one to explain when they bring their laptop into work.
There must be something written into the contract when you have kids that take away any privacy privileges. This photo perfectly sums up the parenting experience. There is no such thing as “alone time”, not even to go to the bathroom.
Let this be a reminder to all the parents to close the door if they expect privacy while they use the restroom. You can’t escape them! But, to be fair, who could resist that smiling face!
Keeping someone in or locking someone out?
Speaking of “zero privacy”, it looks like this parent tried to carve out their own space to work. Not sure how effective this will be when the baby can still see you. It looks like they’re already trying to break into your office.
We have to applaud the creativity. Maybe this is a method other parents can try at home to create some space for themselves. Who knew baby gates could be used to protect parents as well as kids?
Official contracts
When your kids start drawing up contracts you know you’re in trouble. We can’t help but find this note from Stephen to be adorably professional. At least he’s expressing himself right?
This is a pretty creative way to try to use some choice language, we must admit. With places to sign, and all, it seems legit to us. We wonder what kinds of words the kid wants to use that mom might not approve of. And, where might he have heard them?
Cause and effect kids....
Here we have a perfect example of a lesson every parent has to learn eventually: Keep everything (and we mean everything) out of your kids’ reach. Now nine times out of ten, you’re going to end up with at least one case of “How the heck did you get that?!”.
This parent forgot to put the diaper cream out of reach of their toddler and this is the messy (and hysterical) result. It looks like she might have a fork in ehr other hand. Let’s hope she wasn’t eating diaper cream as an afternoon snack.
Foot to the Face
Here’s something every parent already knows: When you have kids, say goodbye to sleep. This tired father clearly knows what we’re talking about. The look on his face really says it all.
If they don’t sleep in their own beds, you try to get them to sleep with you. And then when they finally do sleep, you’re kept up all night. We wonder, how many parents have woken up to a swift kick to the face? We’re guessing most of them.
You're not dreaming
Now most parents probably have not been woken up by their child bringing a horse into their room. But we can guarantee all parents have been completely caught off guard by something their kid did. We have so many questions about this one.
Where did the horse come from? What possessed the kid to bring it to his parents’ bedroom? Hopefully mom and dad got some answers. We’re glad they had time in the confusion to take a quick pic so we can all enjoy.
Deep breaths, kids
Taking care of one kid is a full time job, but taking care of three is bound to make you a little crazy. This photo perfectly sums up parent life. The two brothers are fighting, meanwhile the daughter doesn’t have a care in the world. You can almost hear their yelling through the screen.
She’s just here to enjoy her juice and her face says it all. We wish we could be this care-free. To top it all off, Doc McStuffins is playing in the background. Thanks to the parents that captured this perfect moment!
Every parent knows this frustration. Why do kids always take one bite out of something and then move on to the next? We’re sure that all parents have found half eaten food in their fridge on more than one occasion.
These little monsters have no respect for groceries. It looks like it’s time to get back to the grocery store for some more fruit. On the bright side, at least the kid is eating fruit instead of candy and chips.
Honestly? Pretty close
We all know what happens when kids and market meet. Here’s a perfect example of one such beautiful and creative mess. He’s clearly a big star wars fan and decided to turn himself into Darth Maul.
As a parent, you don’t want to discourage their artistic endeavors, but you do want to redirect them onto paper instead of their faces. We have to give it up for his talents. It looks like we have a future artist here.
Snack for later
We’ve seen time and time again that kids like to save their snacks for later. In this case, a toddler felt the wall would be a safe place to store her snack. This parent gave their daughter a piece of cheese as a snack to enjoy while she watched paw patrol.
Naturally, she would stick it on the wall to save it as a snack for a later time. We’d love to get in the minds of these kids and see how they come up with this stuff. We’d also love to see the parent’s face when they noticed what their kid did with their snack. Thankful they shared it with the rest of us!
Blending in
Kids usually find a way to have their own fun but we all know what it’s like when kids get grumpy and keep to themselves. This kid looks like he didn’t have much interest in being at the wedding he was forced to attend, so he decides to pull out his Jason mask.
It’s no surprise that no one is sitting at the table with him. I mean, who wants to sit near a killer? We have to admit we like his style though. He looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world for what anyone else thinks of him. Although it’s a little hard to tell for sure with the hockey mask.
Lean on me
Dogs are a man’s best friend (duh) but more accurately they are your kid’s best friend. Kids will find a way to turn anything into what they need it to be. The wall is a coloring book. Their sibling is a punching bag. And their pet is a chair.
It’s a good thing they have such a chill dog because he doesn’t seem to be too bothered by the toddler sitting on top of him. I have to say if someone tried to sit on me like this I would not be nearly as cool about it.
Traffic backup
Kids will copy just about anything you do as a parent. And it can be hysterical to see some of the things they pick up. In a traffic jam at Legoland, it looks like some kids picked up a few road rage gestures.
We’re guessing mom or dad has thrown their hands in the air in frustration in the car before and their son picked it up from them. She better move her car out of the way before things get out of hand!
Don’t Mind My Daughter
Sometimes, when it comes to parenting you have to be really good at going with the flow and not overreacting. Otherwise you’ll end up a tightly wound ball of stress. This parent had the right idea.
Obviously their daughter was not actually injured in any way so she could carry on with the class without missing a beat.
Nothing To See Here
This is not the first time that we’ve heard about a kid drawing on himself or something else that he shouldn’t be. But his resolution to hide the mess is something that we haven’t seen or heard of before.
So, we have to give him props for creativity. This series of events does make us wonder, does anything surprise parents anymore? Or do they just expect the unexpected?
The Kids Are Playing Dead Again
The family went on vacation together and the kids got the opportunity to go parasailing. How nice? Except the kids have a funny way of showing their parents their appreciation for the trip and fun activity.
The parents didn’t realize until they started taking pictures of the kids that they were in fact playing dead while parasailing. That’s just what every parent wants to see. Now they have the photos as memories forever!
Let Me Explain
Kids are simply the enemy of a clean house. When they get into the flour in the kitchen, you should be scared. They have a special way of making messes that seem impossible to clean up.
What makes us laugh about this parent’s photo of their son is his facial expression. It’s as if he’s saying “Okay hold on I know this looks bad but let me explain”. We can’t imagine what his explanation for the mess could have been.
Sometimes You Just Need To Know
Kids are constantly learning new things for the very first time so it’s no wonder they have a constant stream of questions that they want answered. Apparently, this four-year-old just had to know how horses sleep.
To be honest we didn’t know either, and now we do. But we can assume this parent was surprised at the reason they were awoken from their slumber. It’s always something with these guys.
This family had an air bnb with a translucent door. They couldn’t have prepared themselves for what they would see through that door. How could a toddler look like such a nightmare?
Not to mention this was the door to the bathroom so their toddler was stalking them during their only alone time. While they didn’t mean to be creepy, this would certainly terrify us.
Happy Birthday, Dad
You can always count on kids to really hit you where it hurts. And it’s not always clear if they’re intentionally trying to hurt your feelings or if their brutal honesty is just part of growing up.
This kid had a special birthday card for his father, handmade and all. We think his dad was probably overjoyed to find his little message. They’ll never let you forget how old you are. That’s for sure.
Don’t Go, Dad!
This little girl was awfully upset about her dad leaving for work. Apparently he had spent the last 9 months working remotely so she got to spend everyday with him. When she saw the suit she knew he’d be heading out!
At least this meltdown is somewhat flattering. She wants to spend more time with her dad. Unfortunately, her mom who is staying home with her will have to deal with the meltdown aftermath.
Show And Tell
In another perfect example of “not so proud parenting moments” comes this little treasure. This parent took a photo of their daughter in a zoom class. They asked why in the world she would be holding up a bottle of rum.
Apparently, the class was asked to bring something to “show and tell” that smells good and she delivered. That will be a fun one to explain to the teacher later.
A Couple Hours Later…
Kids seem to be able to get into trouble in 3 seconds flat. You turn your back for one second and they’ve got themselves into some kind of mischief. We can only imagine this parent’s sigh when they found their daughter’s hair like this.
After 4 hours of detangling they were able to get her hair looking healthy and normal again. But it’s probably not how they had hoped to spend their day. Perhaps this is a PSA to all parents to not purchase this toy.
Welcome To The Slug Hospital
This mom was shocked to find a bunch of slugs on her front porch. Naturally, teh kids decided to build a slug hospital and collect all the slugs they could find to be patients at their establishment.
It looks like the patients are now escaping and the mom doesn’t know what to do. How do you tell them not to nurse slugs back to health? Their hearts are in the right place, but this mom is right. The parenting books don’t prepare you.
Your Son Is Making Great Progress At School
It’s always nice for parents to receive updates on their kids’ progress at school. What are they learning? Are they good kids in the classroom? Are they motivated to learn and participate in class?
This parent received an update from their son’s teacher that was not as encouraging and didn’t quite answer these questions. At least we know he is creative, right?
No Alone Time Allowed
When you become a parent, you basically sign away any right to privacy or alone time that you previously had. Your kids will be at your side constantly until they start to grow up. Of course, that’s when you want them around again.
This dad posted a photo of his family piled on top of each other in one room. He captioned it, “We have 10 rooms in this house”. Parent life is never boring.
Is This Your Card?
This mom had her wallet stolen by her 5-year-old son. Most parents have a story similar to this one in which their kids took something of theirs and they found it in some odd place that they couldn’t explain.
She got her wallet back and forgot about the whole incident until she was pulled over one day. When she grabbed her wallet to get I.D. she found this instead of her I.D. She was probably mad at the time but we have to laugh now.
Love Notes
It really is the little things when it comes to raising kids. They have their own special ways of letting you know how they feel. They can make you feel the best you’ve ever felt and also the worst. And they know it too!
This dad woke up to a pleasant little note carved into his soap one morning. We don’t know what made him so upset at his dad but we do have to admit this is a pretty creative place to leave a little note for him.