Lucky Angler Catches Huge 9-Foot Catfish, Nearly Loses Boat In The Process

By: Kate Row | Published: Oct 04, 2023

Alessandro Biancardi set out on a solo fishing adventure on the River Po in Italy. The man had been on countless fishing excursions before but had never seen anything quite like the wels catfish he caught on this day. It almost cost him his boat, but he ended up reeling in a wels catfish that was more than 9 feet in length!

"Hooked a Monster"

When Biancardi caught the fish on his line, he expressed that he knew he had “hooked a monster”. It took an entire 43 minutes to reel in the massive fish. He explains, “Adrenaline started pumping hard and the fear of losing it almost sent me into a panic”.


The Biggest Fish He'd Seen in 23 Years

Biancardi could not contain his excitement and nerves: “I was alone facing the biggest catfish I’ve ever seen in 23 years”. As you can imagine, a fish of this size is not easy to bring in, let alone when you’re all by yourself! He attempted to glove the mouth of the fish 3 times, but it was still just too strong.


Source: alebiancardi_catfishing_madcat/ Instagram

He was able to reel in the fish to be close to the boat but it had become clear that he would not be able to complete the catch without some assistance. The fisherman decided to head towards shallow water and tried to land it from shore. After a few attempts, he was able to land it!

Catch a Fish, Lose a Boat

As soon as he tied up the fish to let it rest in the water, he called some friends to get them to come over and measure the catch. This is the kind of catch that fishermen dream about! However, in all the excitement, he hadn’t realized the boat wasn’t anchored!


Source: alebiancardi_catfishing_madcat/ Instagram

He states, “I suddenly realized the boat was not anchored, and it was going away in the current. I was forced to swim to recover it with all my stuff”. When he returned with his boat and belongings, his friends got to measuring the beast.

A Real Dream Come True

10 witnesses saw the wels catfish measured at 9 feet, 4.4 inches long. This qualified the fish for the International Game Fish Association all-tackle  world record. Naturally, Biancardi was interested in the weight of the massive fish but he worried about the safety of the catfish.


Source: alebiancardi_catfishing_madcat/ Instagram

He explains, “I was very curious about the weight, but I feared stressing it too much, that rare specimen, so I decided to safely release it, hoping it could give another angler the same joy he gave me”. Biancardi shared the entire experience on his Instagram. This catch was his dream come true. The fisherman stated, “After years of constant dedication, I managed to make a dream come true”.