Michigan Woman Discovers $15,000 While Going To Work, Her Kind Act Proves That Decent People Actually Exist

Published: Sep 19, 2023

The chances of finding a bag full of $15,000 cash sitting on the road are pretty slim. But what’s even more unlikely is someone returning such should they find it.

That was why a White Lake, Michigan woman became the talk of the town after she returned a bag full of money. Let’s get into the story.

It All Started With a Routine Walk

On January 21, Diane Gordon was on her regular walk home like any other day. There was nothing to prepare her for what was about to happen.


Source: Fox 2 Detroit/YouTube

The bright day, moving cars, and busy people were all usual sights. Soon as she stopped by the BP gas station to get a snack, she noticed something.


A Plastic Bag Sitting Idle

Just as Diane got to the gas station, she saw the plastic bag on the ground. In her own words, “I looked down on the ground and found a plastic bag with a large sum of money in it…when you turned it over, there was even more money.”


Source: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7/YouTube

At this point, she had three options: pass it on as if nothing happened, turn it in, or take it herself.

“This Doesn’t Belong to Me”

She didn’t even have to think twice before deciding to turn it over to the authorities. Her first thoughts were, “this doesn’t belong to me, I need to call a police officer,” and she did just that.


Source: Fox 2 Detroit/YouTube

In a few minutes, there were police officers at the scene. White Lake police discovered that the bag belonged to a newlywed couple.

All the Money Added Up to $14,780!

During the investigation, White Lake police found a total of $14,780 in an envelope in the bag. The police were sure it belonged to newlyweds because of its other contents.


Source: Pinterest

According to Lt. Matthew Ivory, one of the policemen that responded to Diane’s call, the bag also contained wedding cards, which were gifts from a wedding that had taken place the same day. The cards were addressed to the new couple.

A Million Reasons to Keep the Money

Diane had lots of reasons to consider her discovery a gift from God; the most important one being her car broke down last year’s February. For eleven months, she had to endure the stressful walk to and from work.

Source: Fox 2 Detroit/YouTube

She covered nearly 3 miles every work day and needed a car to make her life easier; the $15,000 would have gone a long way.


Diane Is a Dedicated Staff Member At VC’s Fresh Marketplace

Usually, it takes Diane about an hour to complete the long trek to her workplace VC’s Fresh Marketplace, a popular supermarket in Waterford, Michigan. Here, she stands behind the deli counter, serving sliced meat.

Source: Fox 2 Detroit/YouTube

At 65, she still had to endure an hour-long walk home after a hectic day at work. This often made her super exhausted.


The Cash Would Have Gone A Long Way

Besides having to walk long distances, Diane also details some other implications of losing the use of her car. For instance, she would have loved to watch her grandkids play sports all the time.

Source: Pinterest

If she had a car, she could easily drive to watch her grandkids in action. Doing so would give her lots of fulfillment and satisfaction. Anyone would be tempted to hold on to the cash in her situation.


Police Returns the Money to the Newlyweds

The police gave the money back to the newlywed couple. Imagine the joy they felt when their money was returned to them. All thanks to Diane!

Source: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7/YouTube

Truly, good people still exist, and doing good is a way to show kindness to others. How nice would it be if we had more Dianes in this world, and people returned every item we’ve ever lost?


“She Didn’t Hesitate”

Let’s face it. It is pretty rare for anyone to pass on an opportunity to be $15,000 richer, especially when it’s free money. Would you?

Source: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7/YouTube

For Diane, there was no debate about it. According to Dan Keller, White Lake police chief, “She didn’t hesitate, she didn’t question it.”


One Good Turn Deserves Another

Inspired by Diane’s act of honesty, Stacey Connell, a police officer’s wife, set up a GoFundMe for her. The officer’s wife aimed to raise enough money to buy Diane a new car.

Source: GoFundMe

On her part, Diane was grateful for the initiative even as she maintained that she only did what she should have done and nothing special.


It Pays To Do Good

Interestingly, Stacey Connell’s husband was one of the White Lake police officers who responded to Diane’s call. Stacey was pretty close to the story and was touched by Diane’s need for a car.

Source: GoFundMe

The GoFundMe was Stacey’s way of promoting a reward for Diane’s honesty, and it worked. People donated over $80,000!


Diane Gets a New Car

Diane’s goodness finally paid off on the 3rd day of February. Her donations got her a new car, a Jeep Compass. The green-colored Jeep was purchased from and with the help of Szott Auto, a local car company.

Source: Szott M-59 Chrysler Jeep/ Facebook

Diane could not hide her excitement: “I love it,” she said. The car was an amazing reward for her uprightness even under pressure.


Diane Will Continue Doing Good

Diane’s car is nothing like she’s ever had before. She especially admires two of its features, the car has a backup camera and a steering wheel warmer, which are her very firsts.

Source: Thad Szott/ Facebook

However, Diane plans to remain her sweet self, looking out for humanity rather than thinking about only herself. She plans to give her co-workers rides with it on their way to and from work.


We Can All Be like Diane

Diane can live the rest of her life more fulfilled than ever before. With a singular display of honesty, she has inspired thousands of people to always do the right thing.

Source: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7/YouTube

This lovely grandma can now enjoy a ride to work and back every workday. Plus, she can see her grandkids play sports in school. What an amazing grandma to learn from!
