Mom Influencer Leaves Kids Unattended in Public Park

By: Riley Brown | Published: Oct 04, 2023

Acacia Kersey, a prominent influencer, has recently found herself at the center of a growing controversy due to an incident at a park.

An alert bystander managed to capture footage that appears to depict Kersey neglecting her young children. This footage was then uploaded online and has subsequently triggered a strong public outcry, with many voicing heightened concerns and questioning her actions as a parent.

Children Left Alone at the Park

Onlookers at the park recounted a concerning scene involving Acacia. They described her walking away from her children, deeply absorbed in her phone, disappearing into the nearby woods.


Source: opinionkersey/Twitter, acaciakersey/Instagram

All the while, her three young children were left unsupervised, dangerously close to a busy street, and in a public park. This apparent negligence caused considerable distress and anxiety among other parents and individuals present, raising alarms about the children’s safety.


Her Son Climbs on Top of a Van

Among the worrisome scenes, Cali, one of Acacia’s children, was spotted climbing the family minivan while wearing a dirty diaper. This alone was a cause for concern for many onlookers.


Source: ​​acaciabrinley/Twitter, opinionkersey/Twitter

What added to the severity of the situation was the fact that in Acacia’s absence, the child was left in a potentially dangerous position atop the vehicle.

Brinley's Search for Help

While this transpired, Brinley, Acacia’s eldest daughter, recognizing her sibling’s distress, rushed into the woods, presumably to seek her mother’s assistance.


Source: acaciakersey/Instagram

Around the same time, other parents at the park, realizing the severity of the situation, contemplated calling the emergency services.

Another Child Left Alone

Additionally, Rosemary, Acacia’s youngest child, was found sitting unaccompanied on a blanket, alarmingly close to the road. This underscored the overall negligence displayed on that day, further fueling concerns regarding the children’s safety.


Source: acaciakersey/Instagram

The Reddit user who captured the footage shared a direct account of the troubling events, stating, “My friend was at a park… She felt so bad for the kids… the mom just laid on a blanket… ignoring her kids calling her to come play.” These detailed accounts, combined with the observations, painted a concerning picture of neglect.

Acacia Addresses the Accusations

Using TikTok as her chosen platform, Acacia Kersey responded rapidly and directly to the allegations. She painted a picture of a particularly challenging week while firmly emphasizing her dedication and constant vigilance over her children, disputing any notion of neglect.

Source: acaciakers/TikTok

She claimed she stepped away for a moment into the tree line to have a cry. Yet her Instagram story from that day shows her cozying up with a Nintendo Switch and sky-gazing. So, what’s the truth?


A Glimpse Into Kersey’s Personal Struggles

Opening up about her personal life, Kersey revealed significant challenges, touching upon domestic abuse and the emotional stress brought about by her separation.

Source: acaciakersey/Instagram

She countered allegations of negligence by reiterating her continuous attention to her children’s safety and well-being.


Controversial Associations Surface

Adding to the growing list of concerns, Acacia was seen associating with Tyler Carter, a former band member of ‘Issues’, who had faced allegations of serious misconduct in the past.

Source: acaciakersey/Instagram, Getty Images

After facing tons of backlash, Acacia vanished from social media, removing all traces of her children from her social media profiles. But, she recently made a comeback, sharing her decision to stop featuring her children on her social media.
