Strange Food Combinations You Wouldn’t Believe People Actually Eat
We all get weird cravings, whether it’s those midnight munchies or those three o’clock post lunch chocolate slumps they have the ability to make or break our day. These cravings are a daily part of everyday life no matter when or where they choose to greet us.
But have you ever taken these cravings one step further? Here are some of the strangest yet tasty (according to some people) food combinations that you wouldn’t believe people eat. You’re sure to be craving them after this… or not.
Egg-celently Scrambled with Some Mac
We can’t make up for the lack of veggies in this case but we have no regrets. This weirdly tasty and cheesy carb combo of egg fritters and mac and cheese is sure to satisfy you. You first make your mac as you would (the more homemade the better). Then make about two scrambled eggs ( cooked well done)

recipesbycarina / Pinterest
Last but not least, mix them all together with some salt, pepper and a touch of cayenne and with your hands create your macaroni egg balls. Batter them up lightly and fry them, these fritters are sure to melt your heart. You’re welcome!
Got Oreos… and Mustard?
If you don’t have Oreos and mustard on hand, now is the time to start. Who doesn’t like a balance of sweet and savory, sign us up. Are you brave enough to try this combination?

marttis7 / Autodesk Instructables
It all started out as a test which ended in success. Scrape out the white filling and replace it with a fine German mustard. Put it together and as they say, “Chef’s Kiss.”
Maple it Up Chicken Alfredo
What’s good enough for MasterChef is good enough for us, am I right? Here’s an Italian dish with a twist: chicken and penne pasta with a maple syrup alfredo sauce to put maple doughnuts to shame. Although this combination received some criticism, don’t judge it until you try it.

savorymomentsblog / Pinterest
The secret to the dish’s success? The juxtaposition of the maple sweetness with the spices and the salt. Pro tip is to let the chicken cook in very salty bath water before you remove it for searing.
The Not-So-Classic Milkshake and Fries
The not so popular combination made popular: french fries and milkshakes or straight ice cream if you prefer. It’s strange but perfect. You have all the best textures and flavors in one, crispy and salty fries alongside some sweetness.

inbarc / Instagram
Best part is that you can customize this unlikely combo with your favorite shake or ice cream and even mix and match. If it’s a hot summer day this is your best bet in cooling down and satisfying that gnawing craving. Personally I’d go for that McDonald’s soft serve with a side of fries.
Pick Me Peanut Butter Burger
An American staple, the burger! What’s not to love about your classic toasted bun with a meaty patty, melted cheese, crispy lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles. But instead of your classic condiments like ketchup and mustard or thousand island we will raise you something better.

charliesharesfood / Instagram
Opt out of your predictable sauces and live on the wild side. Swap for some peanut butter! You may thank us later.
Snap, Crackle and Popcorn Cereal
If you have kids you might already know this combination. Kids are always innovating and trying to push the boundaries, especially when it comes to food. Sometimes they can even be on to something despite it not being your typical flavor combo.

zainebism / Instagram
Popcorn drizzled with honey and a splash of milk. Your new favorite cereal, and you don’t need to be a kid to enjoy it. You can even try iterations of it, alongside some cinnamon, nutmeg or molasses. Recommended to use air-popped or pan popped popcorn for the best results.
Pour Me a Coca Cola Wine, Straight
We all have different preferences when it comes to food, especially alcohol. We’ve all heard the more common whiskey and coke, but have you ever tried his less popular brother, coca cola and wine?

loladelphes / Pinterest
It sounds like a strange idea right off the bat but you would be surprised to know that it’s actually pretty good. Wine is bitter, Coca Cola is sweet, if it works for sour patch kids then why wouldn’t it work here too. Cheers!
Creamy Chocolate Blended with Bacon
A tale as old as time, chocolate and bacon. Salty meats and sweet chocolates are not only a feast for the eyes but a feast for the stomach. They say opposites attract and the fact that bacon and chocolate exists makes us believe that they were right.

javs47983g / Instagram
If you feel like you’re craving something sweet after your next meal or a pick me up during the day, dare to try this concoction. It may be the next unique flavor you fall in love with. No wonder there are so many bacon flavored desserts coming around.
Watermen Cubes and Olive Oil Feta
The Greeks and the Middle Easterns know where it’s at. Popular in certain parts of the world like Greece and the MIddle East but uncommon in others this combination is sure to leave you refreshed.

dekokendezussen / Instagram
Especially recommended on a hot summer day, hoarsely cut cubes of watermelon with some crushed feta, drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper will have you asking for more. Add olives if you dare.