The Strange Rules Royal Children Must Obey

By: Isabel Sociedade | Published: Aug 11, 2023

The royal family has a long list of little heirs, including the children of Harry and William, who have recently been making headlines in major British newspapers (as well as around the world) with unusual and often amusing situations.

The children of royalty always become a big attraction for the public, being adored even before they are born. However, many of them do not have the possibility of becoming kings or queens but still must follow all the rules of the royal family.

They must speak multiple languages

The little ones in the royal family must follow in the footsteps of the adults. The truth is that there is no written rule but rather a custom. Queen Elizabeth II spoke French from a young age in addition to English. In Spain, King Felipe VI speaks English, French, German, Basque, Catalan, Galician, and (of course) Spanish.


Source: Imgur

Princes William and Harry speak English, although it is said that the heir has limited knowledge of Spanish, French, and Swahili. Meanwhile, the daughters of King Felipe VI speaks Spanish and English, the co-official languages of Spain, and are currently learning Arabic.


They cannot play with all of their gifts

The royal family has rules – one is that they cannot keep all the gifts they receive – especially from unknown people. Only simple gifts such as books, flowers, and small presents worth less than 150 euros are allowed.



An interesting fact is that Prince George received over 700 gifts during his first year of life, and of course, he could not keep them all because gifts are received in the name of the Queen.

Formal greeting

It is expected that the children of the royal family bow or curtsy to the Queen from the age of five, especially at public events. Children learn this from a young age.



There are several ways to greet not only the Queen but also other members of the royal family, so they must learn the protocol for each member. Princess Charlotte is currently exempt as she is still young, but it will be mandatory after she turns five.

They cannot travel with other heirs

One of the rules of the royal family is that they cannot travel together on plane, boat, or train because, in the event of an accident, the future heirs to the throne would die together.



But Prince William has not gotten used to this rule. Who doesn’t like to travel with their young children? Therefore, he is often seen traveling with his children, but not before seeking permission from Queen Elizabeth II, who had the final say.

They cannot consume processed foods

The Queen’s former chef, Darren McGrady, confessed that he never saw any member of the royal family consume this type of food. Why would they eat them when they have more than 20 professional chefs at their disposal?

Source: Richard Pohle/ WPA Pool/ Getty Images

According to the online magazine Town & Country, at Thomas’s Battersea in London (the school attended by the young prince), they prepare balanced and nutritious menus for different times of the day. Although this doesn’t come cheap, they pay a whopping $2,279 per month, which adds up to around $27,000 annually.


No seafood allowed

Another rule is that they cannot eat seafood outside the home due to the risk of food poisoning. Charles and William are direct heirs to the throne and therefore pay close attention to their health and what they eat outside the home. So, they cannot eat an oyster or a mussel outside the home.

Source: Reddit

Due to these precautions, during trips, the monarchs and their children cannot drink tap water, as a gastrointestinal complication could ruin their entire schedule. Former chef McGrady revealed that they love McDonald’s but cannot eat it in any way.


The children cannot wear trousers

No matter how cold or rainy it is, the royal children always have to wear shorts in all public appearances. It’s not a matter of preference, it’s a rule of the Royal Household because shorts are a tradition among upper-class children of the British aristocracy.

Source: Twitter

Long pants are for older boys and adults. Although times are changing, long pants are considered a sign of middle-class status. This rule must be followed until the age of eight.


Passports for babies

The only person in the royal family who didn’t have a passport was Queen Elizabeth II, as it was issued in her name and contained. On its first page, a note requested (on behalf of the Queen) the bearer’s admission to the destination country, so it didn’t make sense.

Source: picstopin

The majority of heads of state do not have to go through immigration, but in the royal family, not even the smallest ones are exempt from getting a passport. Prince George and Princess Charlotte have their own passports, as they have traveled quite a bit.


No social media allowed

They are absolutely prohibited from using social media. This is a rule that is very difficult for children, so we’ll see if, in the future when they reach adolescence, they can continue to comply with this rule. They do this so that none of the information from the Royal House is leaked to the press.


The royal crown has its own official website, on which media professionals carefully publish all events, selecting each photo that is published with great attention.


Prohibited to give autographs or take selfies

The members of the royal family can shake hands and greet people, but what they can never do is take a selfie or give autographs. The latter is to prevent their signature from being forged.


Taking photos with fans during royal visits takes a lot of time, so there is a preference for personal interaction and eye contact. Prince Harry once said that selfies are not good if someone from the royal family takes a selfie. But, in their private life, they keep it for themselves.


They cannot play Monopoly

This is a favorite game for many people but is strictly prohibited at Buckingham Palace. The Royal Family considers that the game could cause arguments within the family as it becomes very cutthroat.

Source: YouTube

This information was revealed in 2008 when Prince Andrew visited the Albion Street headquarters of Leeds Building Society, one of the world’s largest mortgage and savings companies. As a welcome gift, they presented him with the famous board game, but the monarch had to decline it.
