Special Adoption Hearing Made The Judge Cry
Adoption can be a wonderful act that has the possibility to change lives for the better. This story celebrates one particularly emotional adoption hearing, which even caused the judge to tear up.
The reason for the strong reaction was not just the loving couple who was adopting the young boy but also the actions of a teacher. Learn more about this touching moment.
Meet David And Andrea
David Eaton and Andrea Melvin exchanged wedding vows in 2010. Content with their life together, they did not feel the urge to have children right away. However, over time, they felt their strong bond and love for each other was meant to be shared with a child in need, and they realized their ultimate goal was to adopt.

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They knew the adoption process would be a long and challenging one, but the couple was willing to go through it all to bring a child into their home. The two knew the wait and hard work would be worth it.
Step One: Becoming Foster Parents
David and Andrea recognized that their first step in becoming parents was becoming certified foster care parents. They participated in a comprehensive training program to prepare them for the potential challenges and responsibilities of fostering a child.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
Despite their preparation, they understood that it was only possible to know if fostering was right for them once they had actual experience. They knew every child was unique and accepted that the child they would be fostering could have unknown needs and that there would always be an element of uncertainty in the process.
The Waiting Game
After completing the certification process and becoming allowed to foster legally, David and Andrea were eager to open their hearts and home to a child. However, the next step was outside their control–it was now a waiting game.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
They understood that just because they were now certified as foster parents, it didn’t mean a child would be put in their care immediately. So they waited for the call that would change their lives forever, bringing a child into their home. The anticipation was overwhelming for the couple.
Up next: the couple’s life-changing call comes in.
Adoption Was Meant For Them
David and Andrea embarked on the road to adoption with open minds, ready to welcome any child into their home. Although they had no idea what was to come, they were confident that adoption was their calling.

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Their goal was to provide a safe and loving environment for a child to be able to heal and thrive. However, they knew the child may have experienced trauma and didn’t know what specific needs they would have to address. Still, they felt adoption was their purpose. But they also wanted to ensure they could take on the challenges.
The Call Comes Through
David and Andrea were excited as they waited for the big call. The uncertainty was difficult, but when the call finally came, they were informed a 4-year-old boy named Michael would be coming to live with them.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
Of course, they were thrilled to meet the child they would be fostering, but the couple knew it was still too early to tell if little Michael would be the child they would ultimately adopt. Nevertheless, they were ready to embrace this new chapter in their lives. Only time would reveal if Michael was destined to be a part of their family forever.
Read on to learn about their first meeting with Michael.
A Miracle Named Michael
The day that David and Andrea had been anxiously awaiting had arrived. It would be the moment that would change their lives forever. As soon as they met Michael, they knew their choice to become foster parents was right. David remarked, “It was pretty clear right off the bat that he was a really special kid.”

Source: Kent County Courthouse
Although Michael had faced difficulties early in his life, he was full of spirit. The couple could already see him as a potential permanent family member. They envisioned a future with Michael as their son.
Michael Thrived In A Social Environment
Despite the instant connection between Michael and his foster parents, there were still issues of uncertainty. For example, how would Michael interact with other children his age in a social setting?

Source: Kent County Courthouse
This was tested when Michael started kindergarten. Luckily, to the couple’s delight, Michael thrived at school! He easily made friends and got along well with other kids. It became increasingly clear that David and Andrea had been fortunate to have Michael placed in their care.
The Realities Of Parenthood
Michael was such a wonderful blessing to the couple, but he was still a child, which meant his energetic nature required major life adjustments for David and Andrea. David stated in an interview with CNN that since they did not have children previously, life became hectic quickly.

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So naturally, just like any first-time parents, the two experienced significant changes in their daily lives and routines. They were now responsible for another person and had much to learn.
Up next: Michael’s one fear is revealed.
Michael’s Fear Comes To Light
Though Michael appeared carefree and cheerful, one fear weighed heavily on his young mind–the worry of being placed in another new home. As he spent more time with the Eatons, his desire grew to stay with them. This feeling is common among foster children since they have little control over their circumstances.

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Michael’s foster parents recognized his fear and considered it as they planned for his future. The uncertainty associated with being in foster care can impact a child’s emotional well-being, and the Eatons were determined to provide Michael with a stable and supportive environment.
The Biggest Decision Of Their Lives
Michael’s worries prompted David and Andrea to consider expanding their family permanently. After nearly a year of fostering, they realized their bond with Michael was too strong to let him go. It was time to adopt him legally.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
They were aware of the responsibilities and challenges of adoption and ready to face them head-on because, to David and Andrea, Michael was not just their foster child but their son. And this was the natural step towards providing Michael with a loving and stable home and making him a permanent member of the family.
Classmate Support
Michael’s fondness and respect for his young peers were particularly notable traits for the little boy. David and Andrea observed his progress over the months as he transitioned to kindergarten.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
He attended Wealthy Elementary School in Michigan, where his class was filled with kind and wonderful classmates. Michael held his new friends in such high regard that he considered them an extension of his family. His adoption not only meant he would be able to keep his parents but also his cherished friends.
Coming up: a fantastic surprise to go along with Michael’s adoption.
One Incredible Teacher
Michael’s class was amazingly welcoming to him, and this was in large part due to their exceptional teacher, Kerry McKee. She instilled the importance of acceptance and kindness in her students, which greatly impacted the class.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
In addition, the kindergarten teacher went above and beyond when she came up with a special plan. She recognized the deep bond Michael had formed with his classmates and wanted to ensure they could be present at his adoption hearing.
A Touching Surprise In The Works
Kerry had a lot of work to make her plan to take Michael’s class to his adoption a reality. The first step was to seek permission from Michael’s parents, which she did by bringing it up to Andrea during school drop-off. The gesture touched Andrea, and she gladly gave her approval.

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The next step was for Kerry to reach out to each student’s parents for permission. Then figure out transportation for the class. Though it required significant coordination and effort, Kerry was determined to make it happen.
Everyone Was In On It
Given Michael’s classmates’ compassion and support, it was no surprise their parents were also wonderful. Not only did they permit their children to attend the special field trip, but many also offered to assist in any way they could.

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When Kerry reached out to the parents of the 23 students, an impressive 14 volunteered to take the day off work for Michael’s momentous day. But, despite the generous offers, Kerry believed it would be better for everyone to travel together on a school bus rather than in separate cars.
Stay with us to learn how a bus driver stepped up.
Even The Bus Driver Lent Support
It was time to organize transportation, but when Kerry initially reached out to the bus garage, they informed her that they could not provide a driver due to the short notice. However, when she explained the purpose of the field trip, one bus driver was moved by the idea and offered to drive for free!

Source: Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images
So on the day of the hearing, 18 kindergarten students, 14 parents, and staff from the school excitedly boarded the bus. They were ready to be a part of Michael’s big day and support him.
Paper Hearts Made With Love
Kerry believed Michael’s classmates needed to show their support for him. The teacher stated that she always told her students that when you lift others, you lift yourself. And that’s exactly what they all did for Michael.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
To demonstrate their love and support, the students hand-crafted red hearts out of construction paper and attached them to the tops of rulers. When they held their signs high during the hearing, it was a display the judge had never witnessed in a courtroom before.
Michael Is Loved By All
The students’ heartwarming handmade paper signs touched everyone’s hearts. Then the judge asked each student to share what Michael meant to them, and their kind words were incredibly moving to all present that day.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
David reported to CNN that the children said things like “I love Michael” and “Michael’s my best friend.” The judge was not expecting the kindergarteners to be so sweet, and it was her first time hosting such a group in her courtroom.
Read on for the judge’s surprising reaction.
The Judge Was Brought To Tears
Despite her extensive courtroom experience, the judge found Michael’s hearing that day to be extraordinary. Even to the point of evoking emotions as if it were her first hearing. As the children expressed their love for their fellow classmate Michael, the judge couldn’t help but wipe away tears.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
Emotions ran high all around the courtroom, with everyone, including Michael, smiling widely. Many tears of joy were shed–no one was immune to the power of love and joy in the room that day.
Michael Couldn’t Be Happier
Michael was overjoyed by his adoption hearing. He sat beside his new parents and classmates, surrounded by love and support. After a life of uncertainty, Michael finally knew the people he loved would always be there for him.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
It was a moment he had waited for, for a very long time, and he couldn’t stop smiling. It was a day that marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. He was now a part of a forever family where he knew he would be loved and supported unconditionally.
The Judge’s Gavel Strikes
At the conclusion of the hearing, Michael and his new adoptive parents walked up to the judge’s bench. With the sound of the gavel striking, Michael officially became a member of the family. The joy-filled excitement of the moment caused Michael to exclaim, “I love my daddy!”

Source: Kent County Courthouse
This solidified for David and Andrea that they had made the right decision in adopting Michael. He had just as much of an impact on their lives as they had on his. The feeling of love was mutual, and it was something the new family would cherish forever.
Michael’s Media Attention
Even with the overwhelming positivity of the day, it was impossible to predict the outpouring of media interest that followed. The story went viral, and news outlets were eager to interview everyone involved as Michael’s story spread widely online.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
His teacher Kerry, humbled by the attention, commented that she was overwhelmed with gratitude that so many people showed interest in the story from their small town Grand Rapids, Michigan. She said it was surreal to know that one story touched so many.
Next, Kerry will explain the meaning of adoption to her young students.
Broaching The Topic Of Adoption
In this case, the support and love from the kindergarteners during Michael’s adoption hearing set this tale apart. It was remarkable that these young children could understand and appreciate the day’s significance for Michael. Kerry, their teacher, explained to them that “Family doesn’t have to be DNA. Family is about support and love.”

Source: Kent County Courthouse
Her wisdom, combined with the student’s understanding of Michael’s family situation, helped the children to grasp the importance of being surrounded by people who care for them.
Love Is All Around
After the hearing, Michael stood with his classmates, whom he considered his extended family, as they held up their heart-shaped signs and surrounded him with unconditional love and support.

Source: Kent County Courthouse
And though it was not an easy journey for Michael to reach this moment, the experience served as a valuable lesson for all present. Moreover, the profound impact of the day was not limited to Michael and his new family. It extended to and touched everyone in the courtroom–and beyond, that day.