Times When People Had Hilarious and Wild Car Fails
Cars have been common since about 1908 when Henry Ford came out with the Model T. In the 100+ years since then, most people have learned how to turn on, drive, brake, and park these expensive and complex machines. That being said, “most people” is certainly not the same as “everyone.” So, there have been and continue to be quite a few bad mistakes in the world of driving.
These range from minor mishaps like getting your hair stuck in the window to major mess ups like crashing your rental car into a boat. In between the two extremes are a whole host of medium mistakes that are pictured below. Let’s take a look at 15 times women failed at driving.
A Truck Stuck
How this truck got itself stuck on the roof of this tunnel is a mystery we are unsure we can solve right now. Perhaps it used another car as a launch pad? Hopefully not in a purposeful fit of excitement to be the next speedracer.

Imagine being the driver of this contraption and getting yourself stuck on the ceiling like a frisbee. Getting out was certainly no easy task, but it looks feasible and that everyone was okay.
Meanwhile At Walmart...
Some are just born innovators, and such is the case with this Walmart shopper, who took it upon themselves to make the most of the space that they’ve been given. Think smart not hard?

Not quite. This isn’t the brightest idea as it blocks the cart section for dozens of passengers and makes the driver look like a very rude and inconsiderate person. Hopefully they were quick with their shopping spree.
A Muddy Sports Car
A general rule of the road that’s useful to follow is the following: never take your bright yellow sports car through a muddy brown road. However, rules are meant to be broken, right?

That might have been the thought these two rebellious women had when they took their bright yellow sports car through a muddy brown road. However, when it got stuck in the middle of said road, we imagine their rebellious “let’s break the rules” thinking turned to “why did we do that?” The photographer probably had the same question.
A Quick Fix Under The Hood
This man seems to have a grip on the situation and is trying to get to the bottom of how to fix it. Nothing a little elbow grease won’t fix. Right? Well…

What he is expecting to do to fix the situation remains to be seen, but he does seem to be a man with a plan. Another issue we notice though is how he is going to get back into his ever-sinking car.
At Least My Hair Looks Good
Most highway car accidents are serious, but when a car flips over on the side of the highway, it’s extra serious. On top of the car itself being completely wrecked – the doors bent in, the wheel axles broken, and the windshield glass scattered everywhere – there’s the possibility of serious harm or even death to drivers and passengers.

Also, there’s the possibility of having uncombed hair – the horror! On a more serious note, it’s good to note that this woman is unharmed enough to stand nearby and fix up her hair.
Almost There
Cars are complicated machines full of many moving parts. However, they also have a fair bit of stationary parts that stay in the same spot. One of those is the gas tank. Generally speaking, gas tanks don’t move from day to day.

Regardless, some drivers (aka the woman above) find it difficult to locate that exact spot. So, instead, they spill gasoline around the general area and hope that some make it inside before the entire gas station blows up. We just hope no one nearby has a lighter.
Pika-Zoom Zoom
While the world moves towards renewable energy and conservation, this driver went in another approach of electricity. Has anyone seen Pokemon? Well this car is modeled after it’s number one star, Pikachu.

Pikachu is a little yellow ball of electricity that apparently inspired this driver beyond the norm. Enough that they modeled their vehicle after the cartoon. We wonder how this contributes to overall gas mileage.
Boots, Mud, and a Stuck SUV
As we saw above, some women love to wear heels no matter what. As we also saw above, some women love to drive cars through muddy environments. Well, the woman below decided to mix both together – a love of heels with a love of muddy environments.

The result doesn’t look too fun, to be honest. Pushing at the back while her friend slams on the gas is bound to spray someone with a lot of mud. That someone is most likely not the driver. Hopefully, they got the car out.
The Perils of Bad Parking
Generally, when you park your car, you want to park in a way that doesn’t cause your car to tumble over a cliff. The best way to do this is by shifting the gear into “P” for parking and, occasionally, pulling up the parking gear for extra safety.

The woman above probably forgot this essential move. The result is not too pretty. Her car fell off the cliff and smashed into the side of a (correctly parked) Ford. Her anxious “am I in trouble” face tells it all.
Stopping As A Suggestion
This driver took the brake pedal more as a light suggestion rather than a hard rule. The outcome did not bode well for his car, the house he ran into, or his wallet, we imagine.

A house is a fairly large object and we have to assume that his eyes are still pretty good if he’s on the road. How he missed the house is a great mystery that we will ponder on for years to come.
The Mercedes Thinker
Mercedes Benzes are classic cars for people who have a bit of extra cash to throw around. Usually, that means celebrities, politicians, and highly successful folks earning a hefty salary. It also means Instagram influencers looking to give off the feel of fame, success, and style.

Typically, an Instagram model will strike a sexy pose with skimpy clothes on the hood of an expensive Mercedes Benz. The woman above chose to give it her own unique twist by striking the famous “Thinker” pose while wearing normal clothes.
Time to Smile
Sometimes in life, all you want to do is smile and pose. It’s always a good time for a picture, right? Perhaps. At least that’s what the woman below thought when she shared this photo with her 14 loyal TikTok followers.

Her posture and smile make it seem like she’s standing in front of a mid-range casual dining restaurant with some friends and family. In fact, she’s standing in front of a car that crashed into a boat and is about to fall into the water. We hope it’s not her car.
Parking in Wet Cement
Some people love to find their own parking spaces away from the city center. Often, that requires going down empty or underused streets. Some of those empty streets are underused because construction crews are working on them.

This crafty driver didn’t let that deter her. Once she found her ideal empty parking spot, she took a left … and got stuck … in wet cement. As the caption perfectly sums up: that was a fail. Next time we suggest paying a bit extra for the parking garage.
Precariously Perched
This man seems to have landed himself in a very precarious position that is not easily solvable. We imagine there is probably a great amount of fear and adrenaline pumping through his veins at this moment.

Lucky he appears okay and is surrounded by people who are there to help him out of this unlucky scenario. This is definitely a once in a lifetime thing to witness for all involved.
The (Failed) Pink Car Boat
Some people call them “rivers” but other people (like the driver below) prefer to think of them as “roads.” Unfortunately, unless you have an actual amphibious automobile (aka, an amphicar), then trying to drive on rivers is going to backfire.

By “backfire,” we mean it’s going to sink your car, damage your body, and leave someone with the problem of removing your car from the water. So, we generally suggest defining “rivers” and “rivers” and “roads” as “roads.” The first one is for boats, the second one for cars.
Driving through the Storm
As we saw above, cars and water don’t mix well. Generally speaking, the best rule for driving through a severely flooded street is to, well, not drive through a severely flooded street. That’s something the woman below learned the hard way.

Trying to make it home before the storm resulted in her getting caught in the storm. As you can see from her face, she’s not happy about it. Hopefully, she was able to grab what she needed, wait out the storm, and come back tomorrow to (safely) drive away.
Bring The House Down
This car fail is even more mysterious than the stuck truck. A house is fairly tall, and getting that much air in a suburban neighborhood to get yourself off the ground would not be an easy feat.

Alas, never underestimate the human capacity to end up in the wildest of places. Shockingly, the car did not break through the roof and the car looks in good shape. It almost looks like a tornado came and plopped the car atop the home.
Smug Mug
Now, two main things are going on in this picture. The first is the destroyed car. Its headlights are broken, its hood bent out of place, and the entire body is stuck inside of a pool.

The second thing is the very smug look on the woman’s face. Alongside being totally unconcerned about the chaos in front of her, she seems to have a sort of “told you so” attitude. What’s the story behind that look? Also, why is there a destroyed car stuck in a pool?
Gas for Your Car Handle
Although pumping gas is generally not considered to be rocket science, it can seem that way to some people – people like the twin girls below. So, to break it down, pumping gas has three steps. First, open the gas pump. Second, fill the car. Third, put the pump away.

The two above seem to have fumbled step one by putting the hose inside the car handle rather than the gas pump. An understandable mistake (kind of), we just hope she didn’t start squeezing the handle to pour gasoline all over the ground.
Heels and Mud, Enough Said
As we learned above, heels, sports cars, and muddy roads don’t go together very well. Unfortunately, this woman in heels driving a sports car down a muddy road learned that the hard way. Now she seems to be stuck on a small patch of safe ground while figuring out what to do.

It’s a difficult situation to be in, and one that’s not going to end with clean heels and perfect hair if she decides to push the car to safety. We just hope there’s a nearby towing service to help.
Not An Exit
“Not an exit” is not a mysterious sign. It doesn’t allude or trick, it is very straight forward in its direction, right? Well, maybe not for everyone. This car really couldn’t take a hint, read a sign, or gauge their own surroundings.

It looks like an unfortunate way to be perched, kind of like a teeter-totter, but not as fun or safe with way higher stakes. Hopefully the person learned a lesson about listening to signs and not just doing what feels good to themselves…
How Not to Drive a Motorcycle
Regular driving takes one set of skills. Driving with a trailer attached takes a whole new set of skills. Figuring out how to safely turn, back up, park, and maneuver around with a heavy piece of equipment tied to your car’s back hitch isn’t something that comes right away.

It’s something that takes a lot of practice. Clearly, this woman should have practiced a bit more in a safe parking lot before barreling down the highway with a motorcycle on a trailer. At least no one was hurt.