New Mother Discovers Secret Message Underneath Baby’s Blanket

Published: Sep 27, 2023

Laren felt like vomiting when she looked into her newborn’s blanket. What she saw had to be an accident; this couldn’t be happening! She began to cry uncontrollably while holding the baby.

After the birth, as usual, the nurse came to take the baby to the nursery. When the baby returned to her, Lauren was in shock. Somehow she knew her life would never be the same.

Meet Lauren and Chad

Lauren and Chad McDevitt were thrilled when they found out they were expecting. Already the parents of little Kaden, Lauren was confident that she knew how things would go this time. After all, she’d done this before.


Source: Lauren McDevitt/Facebook

The couple was happily expecting their new child, and finally, the day came to meet the baby. Lauren gave birth, handed the baby over to the nurse for cleaning, weighing, and checking as usual, and awaited its return to her arms. But when she opened the baby’s blanket, she was in total shock.

Loving Motherhood

It had always been Lauren’s dream to have children. When she and Chad married, they couldn’t wait to get pregnant and begin their family. They delighted in Kedan and enjoyed watching him grow and change every day.



Lauren was thrilled to learn that she was pregnant again. She imagined Kaden playing with a little baby brother or sister and felt that she couldn’t be happier – her dream of a family was coming true, and she was very grateful. But she had no idea what lay before her.

Baby Number Two

Lauren’s water broke one evening, and she was confident and calm. She knew exactly what to do. She went to the car with her bag, and her husband drove to the hospital. Laurent felt ready for the delivery and couldn’t wait to see the new baby.


Source: Pinterest

She could never have imagined what was about to happen. After the delivery of her baby girl, she had her first real look at the infant and was in shock. She had no idea what had happened.

The Baby Girl

Lauren’s pregnancy and delivery went like clockwork. There were no complications during pregnancy and the delivery was smooth and took just six hours. Their baby girl was absolutely beautiful, and Lauren couldn’t wait to introduce her to her big brother.


Source: Lauren McDevitt/Facebook

Chad was over the moon – he was now the proud father of a son and a daughter. He rushed to the phone to call the families and tell them the news. Little did he know that he spoke too soon and that some tough times lay ahead.

The Family She Always Wanted

Lauren felt so blessed; she had a son and a daughter, and her life was shaping up exactly as she had planned. She was exhausted from the delivery but couldn’t stop wanting to snuggle with her new baby and feel that closeness.


At that moment, she was blissful. Thinking ahead to the new life with a baby and with Kaden, she was excited to get home and get started with baby feedings and playing with her two children. But what would happen over the next few hours would turn all those dreams on their head.


Lots of Visitors

Lauren and Chad had big families, so lots of visitors showed up at the hospital. Everyone wanted to meet the new baby and gasped at how beautiful and perfect she was. It was a great feeling that everyone was so thrilled with the little newcomer.


Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

Even though Lauren was exhausted from the delivery, she loved having company and hearing everyone’s comments about the baby. This was what life was all about. But no one in that room could have foreseen what was about to happen.



Chad and Lauren named their baby Everly. Everyone was cooing over her and wanting to look at her every little move and squirm. Then Lauren’s aunt noticed that the baby needed a diaper change.

Source: Chad McDevitt/ YouTube

Lauren called the nurse, who came in and took Everly back to the nursery for a diaper change. That was the last time Chad and Lauren’s life was normal. Nothing would ever be the same again.


Back to the Nursery

Since Lauren was so worn out after the delivery, she asked the nurse to change Everly. The nurse was only too happy to give the mom a rest and take over the task.  Everly went off to the nursery in the arms of the nurse.



When Lauren saw the nurse walk out of the room with Everly, she had a funny feeling. Something seemed wrong, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She kept these thoughts to herself, but she had no idea how right she was.


Why Was the Nurse Making a Face?

The nurse brought Everly back to Lauren’s room about fifteen minutes later. She gently placed the baby in her mother’s arms. As she left the room, Lauren, still feeling that something was wrong, looked at the nurse and saw what she thought was a smirk on the nurse’s face.


Lauren was sure that the nurse was hiding something; that smirk just seemed too sneaky. Had the nurse done something wrong? Lauren started panicking, then calmed herself down, thinking she was just overtired and not clear-headed. 


Bundled Up

Lauren was cuddling the baby when she noticed that Everly was wrapped up very tightly in her blanket. She could only see her hair and eyes peeking out. The baby seemed calm, so Lauren didn’t think much more about it.


Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

“That nurse is very good at her job,” thought Lauren, noticing the extra tight blanket. Lauren was just staring at her new child, enthralled with the experience and exhausted from the delivery. Then she decided to open up the blanket. 


More Visitors

Before she had a chance to open the blanket, more visitors poured into the room. They all wanted to stare at Everly, and some were disappointed that they couldn’t see her whole tiny body, just her eyes, and hair.

Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

With so many requests from the family, Lauren decided to unwrap the baby, so everyone could get a better look. As she started to unwrap the blanket, Lauren still had no idea what she was about to find.


The Unwrapping

It was time for the family to see all of Baby Everly. Lauren was excited to show off the baby’s ten fingers and ten toes and to hear the oohs and aahs of the grandparents at the sight of this little miracle.


Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

As she unwrapped the baby, Lauren’s face changed from a wide smile to one of total horror. Everyone in the room looked at her, wondering what was going on. Lauren actually began to feel nauseous because the sight she unraveled was so awful.


Still Unwrapping

It took Lauren quite a while to unwrap Everly. The nurse had made such a complicated wrap that Lauren had to figure out how to undo it. It seemed that the nurse had purposely made the blanket hard to open.  Why would she have done that?

Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

What could have been a beautiful family moment had turned into a nightmare. In a way, Lauren was glad that her family was around because they immediately tried to calm her and reassure her.  


Something Was Definitely Not Right

Finally, the blanket was opened, and everyone was eager to see the rest of little Everly. Lauren felt everyone looking at her to see her reaction to the sight of her newborn. They loved watching her little arms and legs wriggle.


Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

When Lauren got a good look at the baby, though, she knew something was wrong. Something was in that blanket that was not supposed to be there. Lauren was terrified – what had happened in that nursery? What did the nurse do?


Was There a Mistake?

Lauren just sat there staring at her baby. The worst ideas ran through her head. Was this some kind of joke? Had her baby been switched with another? She tried to yell for help, but all she could do was stare at the baby.

Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

Her fear grew, along with that of the rest of the family. Lauren could not get her emotions in check, what with her exhaustion, joy, and terror all rolling into one. What exactly was going on?


What’s Really Going On Here?

The family huddled around Lauren, trying to calm her down. They were confused too. Why was Lauren screaming – was it excitement? Fear? Panic? And how could they help her? The emotions in that room went on a roller coaster ride.



They had all seen the baby leave the hospital room in perfect condition and return wrapped tightly but changed and cleaned up. Had the nurse harmed the baby? Had something horrible happened that the nurse was trying to cover up?


Chad’s Big idea

Lauren was bawling, but no one knew why. It must be that something was wrong with Everly, and everyone was in a panic. Chad, however, was cool as a cucumber. Now it seemed that whatever happened, he was in on it.

Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

Chad calmly kissed his girlfriend’s forehead and told her that everything was ok.  That seemed to calm her down. Lauren still didn’t know how to handle things, but now she realized that Chad was in on some kind of plan.


What Was Chad’s Plan?

Lauren kept shrieking and starting to cry. Now everyone in the room was really concerned for her well-being. Did she need medical help? Then they caught a peek at the onesie that Everly was wearing and realized that it was the same one she had on earlier that day.



So the nurse had changed Everly’s onesie – why would she do that? And why was Chad so calm about everything? That nurse might have harmed Everly in some way, and the way Lauren was crying, everyone in the room assumed that’s what happened.


Let’s See the Onesie

Lauren finally calmed down enough to pick up the baby and look at the onesie. She lifted Everly so that everyone in the room could see what was written on it. Even though she was still exhausted, Lauren found the strength to keep the baby lifted while she showed off Everly’s new outfit.

Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

The family took a good look at the onesie and gasped. They had never seen anything like it and would probably never again experience something so amazing. This day would stay in their minds and hearts forever.


Figuring It Out

It took a few moments for the news to sink in. The family just kept staring at the baby and at each other, and trying to see if they all understood the same thing. Jaws dropped, smiles grew, and it became a moment none would ever forget.


Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

What was written on Everly’s onesie had churned Lauren’s stomach, and the nurse and Chad had been on the rise since before the delivery. What plan had they cooked up and why had it upset Lauren?


The Surprises Keep Coming

Once she had seen what was on Everly’s onesie, she had to completely examine the blanket to find out more. Chad had a cute grin on his face, so Lauren became less nervous and more excited as she took the blanket off of Everly.

Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

When she finally figured it out, she began crying with joy. But Chad wasn’t finished with his big plan. He and the nurse had come up with another surprise. Lauren’s emotions were spilling over – she couldn’t stop crying or smiling.


Those Four Special Words

It was time for Chad to reveal his big plan. He looked at his beloved Lauren and asked, “Will you marry me?”  Lauren was totally overwhelmed. Exhausted and still hurting from the delivery, she was bursting with excitement.


Source: Chad McDevitt/YouTube

Her immediate response was, “YES!”. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered, so relieved that everything was not only OK but actually quite wonderful and happy. But they still didn’t know the final piece of the puzzle – what was written on baby Everly’s onesie?


The Final Piece Falls into Place

Now Chad’s plan was almost complete.  He was so pleased that it had gone well so far. Everyone in the room was so excited but still demanded to see what was written on the onesie. Surely that would complete the puzzle.

Source: Lauren McDevitt/Facebook

And it did complete the puzzle. What was written on the onesie?  “Mommy, will you marry Daddy?”. What a perfect ending to the story, with little Everly asking Mommy to marry her Daddy and complete their wonderful family. We wish Chad, Lauren, Kaden, and Everly many years of happiness.
